More Information for Safety Tempered Glass

Posted in Updates, Feb. 1, 2010

Additional information to accompany all 16 CFR 1201 certified safety tempered glass manufactured beginning Feb. 10.

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requires additional information to accompany all 16 CFR 1201 certified safety tempered glass manufactured beginning Feb. 10.

In addition to previous requirements, fabricators must also include the telephone number and business address of the location where the certified safety tempered glass is manufactured. To satisfy the requirements, ITI Glass is including this new information at the bottom of its shipping lists, and will continue to manufacture safety tempered glass with a permanent label referencing the fabricator’s name, specific certifications, and the date of certified manufacture.

Additionally, for the first time, CPSC allows fabricators to use online documentation to meet certification requirements. On its shipping lists, ITI Glass is including the Web address to a new mini-site, At the site, customers can access important warranty and certification documents, including the updated 16 CFR 1201 safety tempered glass certification.

For information about ITI Glass’ safety tempered glass certifications, contact ITI Glass Customer Service.